Battlefield Heroes
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Battlefield Heroes
A cartoon-style Play 4 Free shooter that brings classic Battlefield gameplay to an all new mass audience. Developed by DICE in Stockholm, the game's fun cartoon-style graphics and gameplay caters to players of all skill levels.
PC (Microsoft Windows)
Third person
EA Digital Illusions CE, Easy Studios, Electronic Arts
Action, Fantasy, Historical, Stealth, Comedy, Warfare
world war ii - ww2, vehicular combat, death, military, class-based, freeware, tank, free-to-play, airplane, vehicle combat, explosion, throwing weapons, pre-release public testing, customizable characters, customization, polygonal 3d, microtransaction, active ability, melee, political thriller, respawning, squad, villain, enemy tagging, camping, inverted controls, nazis, text dialogue, conquest mode, objective-based team gameplay, web integration, anti-cheat system, cumulative team respawn limit, ea gun club, e3 2009, in-app purchases
Battlefield 1942, Counter-Strike, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Project Reality 2, Enemy Front, Borderlands 3, Enlisted
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