World of Warcraft
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World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) set in the Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. Being "Massively Multiplayer," World of Warcraft allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory.
Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the undead Forsaken to join orcs, tauren, and trolls. Meanwhile, dwarves, gnomes and the ancient night elves pledged their loyalties to a reinvigorated Alliance, guided by the human kingdom of Stormwind. After Stormwind's king, Varian Wrynn, mysteriously disappeared, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon served as Regent but his service was marred by the manipulations and mind control of the black dragon Onyxia, who ruled in disguise as a human noblewoman. As heroes investigated Onyxia's manipulations, ancient foes surfaced in lands throughout the world to menace Horde and Alliance alike.
Role-playing (RPG), Adventure
PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac
Multiplayer, Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)
Third person
Blizzard Entertainment
Action, Fantasy, Open world
dinosaurs, orcs, wizards, magic, grinding, guild, horse, pets, flight, undead, online, talking animals, sword & sorcery, giants, warriors, gods, ogres, rivaling factions, voice acting, loot gathering, alliance, sequel is in a different genre, escort mission, questing, black market, player vs player, player vs environment, stat tracking, parrying, animal companions, rpg elements, punctuation mark above head, hotkey, never-ending, quest tracking, mana, meme origin, regenerating health, women in refrigerators syndrome, paladins, optional lore, heal over time, astral projection, raiding, horde, blamed for real life murders, quest hub, rangers, pay-to-play, professional gaming, kill quest, play-to-play, game developers choice awards 2005, dinosaur riding, dragon riding
Final Fantasy XIV Online, Darkstone, The Elder Scrolls Online, Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Tera, Perfect World, Aarklash: Legacy, Battle Brothers, Elsword
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